by admin | Apr 16, 2020 | Teacher, Year 2
For the first lesson of term 2 I thought we’d do something a bit different. We’ll make 3D models of Minecraft objects with paper! This requires access to a printer (preferably colour) to print out the design. Students will also need scissors and a glue... by admin | Apr 16, 2020 | Coding, Teacher, Year 2
Students can login to and continue with the coding puzzles. If they get stuck please email me and I can setup a zoom call to help them through anything coding problems. Each class has their own section code: 2H Start from this link:... by admin | Apr 16, 2020 | Coding, Teacher
Some of the puzzles in lesson 1 are actually quite difficult. If your child needs more time to complete them please feel free to work on them again this week. I’ve updated lesson 1 with a link to the solutions for parents to help guide their student and also new... by admin | Apr 14, 2020 | Coding, Teacher
In this lesson we will be using is an app called Codespark which is available on Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) devices. You can read about it on their website here. All students have a free account which they have already used in class. However, most families will...