Creating posters

Creating a poster using normal computer software can be pretty complicated and even harder to do with remote learning as each family may not have access to the same apps. The good news is that the website we are using is free and is quite easy to use for students so hopefully with a bit of experimentation they should be able to create something they would like to keep. You can download and print it out at home. I will also be able to view the posters if you login using the steps below.

Step 1 – Navigate to

Point your browser to: then follow the pictured instructions below.

Pssst. If you can’t find the link then click the image above and you will navigate to the website.
What’s the relevant project name?

The project name is different for each year level. To keep it simple each year level has a similar name:

  • Prep – staccp
  • Year 1 – stacc1
  • Year 2 – stacc2
  • Year 3 – stacc3
  • Year 4 – stacc4

Step 2 – Create a design

This step is where all the creative work happens. For younger students parents will need to assist them and I recommend starting with a simple poster that contains perhaps just a background and their name. Even with just these 2 elements you have thousands of choices to make so it still can be a significant and meaningful. Older students may want to add other photo elements including images they obtain from search engines.

Let’s get creative

Click the blue ‘create’ button to get started.

The templates are temp-ting, but let’s start from scratch.
I’m assuming we all have A4 printing abilities.

Select A4 as the page size so that if you want to print – it will fit neatly.

Ok first decision!

You can always change your mind later so just pick an orientation and then click ‘Create’.

Now we’ve got trillions of possible choices.

Again, you can change your mind later. Younger students should probably go for a stock photo, gradient or solid colour. I have a video that I did for year 5/6 students that shows how to use Google Images to search for a background and then upload it. It’s fairly simple.

Avoid bill shock and select the free options when using stock photos for a background.

In the examples below I’m putting a Bible passage into a poster. You do not need to copy this design. Make a poster that you want to display in your home. The idea behind my example was a poster that you could put in your bathroom to remind you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds while you read some fantastic scriptures.

There are lots of tools and options that you can experiment with. The tools are along the left side of the page:

When you select an element in your poster you can then change the options which are located on the right side:

Step 3 – Name, save and download

It’s always a good habit to put your name on your work. The website allows you to give your poster a title and you should enter your first name as part of the title. You could also put your name in the poster itself.

All the posters from the year level are together so it’s best to put your name in the title.

Of course, you should also save your work and when you do you are given the option to also download it on this screen:

You should save your work periodically.
It’s also a good idea to download your work periodically, even if you’re not finished. Website do crash or glitch sometimes.
I did say the site was free, but they do have ‘paid’ upgrade options which will remove the watermark and help pay for their groceries.


I’ve left these until last because some of the instructions only apply to year 5 and 6 students (e.g. the project name). Some of the website screens have also changed since I did these videos (like the blue create button). Anyway, the first video goes through the basics of creating a poster. This is probably the only video the prep – year 2 students/parents need to watch.

Part 2 of this video series looks at adding more graphical elements to our poster and also a Minecraft themed heading using the cool website: Please excuse my very casual attire – must have been very warm that day.

Part 3 looks at cropping and masking an image to hide the unwanted parts.



  1. Verity3e

    Looks cool

    • henry


    • Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    Thanks 🙂

  3. GamerBoy80

    yay sounds fun

  4. Anonymous

    Can we do Minecraft soon again

  5. Hi

    Me don’t get it but missed zoom oops

  6. Anna liu from 4C.

    NO Anonymous no minecraft today at the computer please don’t do that.

    • Kacey ZEng 4C


  7. steve



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